Take the Triton Five Minute Challenge
The average person stands under their shower for 8 minutes. That’s about 100 litres of water down the drain; so we hope you’ll agree it would benefit everyone if we could significantly reduce those litres. That’s why we’re asking you to take the Triton 5 minute challenge. 5 minutes: enough time to luxuriate under hot water, enough time to sing your favourite song, possibly twice; enough time to feel you’re doing the planet some good.
Triton. For A Cleaner Conscience
Take the Triton Five Minute Challenge
Full 5 minute challenge
- Assumed average shower temperature of 41°C
- Assumed average incoming cold temperature of 12°C
- CO2e emissions factors for Electricity based on IEA data (Scope 2 & 3) for CY 2021
- CO2e emissions factors for Gas and Water consumption based on UK data, as published by BEIS for CY 2022
- Gas and electricity supply rates and associated standing charges based on sample utility bills data from July '22
- Water supply costs, and associated standing charges, have been ignored